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Cheese Facts
Gippsland has approximately 1400 dairy farms and contributes 20% of Australia's milk production.
One Northern Italian bank maintains 300,000 wheels of Parmesan worth $200 million, as collateral for loans!
Because of their high salt content, blue cheeses pair very well with sweet accompaniments like fresh fruits or compotes.
Gippsland produces more than 2 Billion litres of milk each year from approximately 400,000 milking cows.
Cheese is a great source of Vitamin B12, which helps red blood cell development.
Gippsland is a region within the South East corner of Victoria, from Melbourne's Metropolitan East and extends through the Alpine country to the NSW border.
In general, in takes about 10 litres of milk to make 1kg of cheese.
Sparkling wines makes strong cheese taste stronger, while the acidity and bubbles can make super rich cheeses less overwhelming.
Cheddar is not protected by origin; generally any cheese that is made by the process of "cheddaring" can be called a cheddar.
Farmhouse cheeses are where the milking herd and cheese are both 'made' on the same property and reflect their unique provenance.
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