Maffra Red Leicester – Riverslea Red

Formerly known as Leicester, or Leicestershire cheese, this is a semi hard cows milk cheese made in much the same way as Cheddar, but with a more moist, crumblier texture and a milder flavour. It is coloured with a vegetable dye called annatto, which gives the cheese its distinctive deep orange hue. This practice, which is not unique to Red Leicester, originated in the days when a deep colour was held to denote a cheese made from rich, creamy milk.
Maffra Red Leicester matures faster than Cheddar and is released after 5 months, depending on character. As a result it has a pliable texture and a sharper, more distinct, flavour.


SKU: CHMFREDLEIC. Categories: , .


Traditional English style, semi-hard, cheese made on the farm at Tinamba, with a delicate crumb and a deep reddish colouration due to the addition of annatto seed.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
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milk type



Maffra Cheese Co

rennet type



Gippsland – VIC