Milawa King River Gold

King River Gold is a smear ripened washed rind cheese made by highly reputed cheese maker David Brown from Milawa Cheese Company in Central Victoria.


SKU: CHMILKRGOLD150. Categories: , .


King River Gold, named after the perennial river of the North-East Murray catchment and located in the alpine and Hume regions of Victoria, is an intense, full flavoured wash rinded cheese, made in the shape of a loaf. The cheese is smeared with a Brevibacterium Linen brine solution which promotes the intensity of flavour that washed rind cheeses are known for. The wash helps to keep the cheese moist and supple in texture. As it ripens this can become increasingly soft and ‘bulgy’, however not runny.

Washed or smear rinded cheeses are well known for their stinky nature, some find them overpowering! This was one of the first cheeses ever made by Milawa cheese maker David Brown, and has a very strong following. It has a soft interior with a slightly gritty rind and a rich almost smokey, nutty flavour.